I the subject of unidentified flying objects is a popular phenomenon of the period from j j i 1947, evoking wid ipread speculationj and producing a literature of. My contact with ufos by dino kraspedon chapter five. My contact with ufo by dino kraspedon chapter seven. Welcome to the integrative energy medicine institute. Just go to amazon and type the name of the book into the search engine to get the book. Such life might range from simple prokaryotes or comparable life forms to beings with civilizations far more advanced than humanity. Renaud antonio ribera alois rikenbach enrique castillo rincon rojasmarcos kelvin rowe reinhold o. Greetings everyone there is always so much going on that id like to explore and comment upon but alas, there arent enough hours in my day if only the anomaly archives were my day job. The psychic dimension by david pratt how to refuse alien abduction 87 kb masquerade of angels by dr.
The writing of my current project is going so, so slowly. Evidence is anecdotal in all cases as a cultural phenomenon, contactees perhaps had their greatest notoriety from the late 1940s to the late 1950s, but individuals continue to make similar claims in the present. Kraspedon, dino my contact with flying saucers 2 1459. World roundup people of other planets by dino kraspedon adamski lecture tour nicap and the ufo challenge by professor charles a. Initially they compiled a list of 20 carefully selected individuals, most of them were spanish. This book is a very technical explanation of alien technology. Aliens in ufos filmed observing the iss are about to make contact aliens allegedly monitoring the international space station iss are about to make contact with us in an. Some claimed ongoing encounters, while others claimed to have had as few as a single encounter. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
As a perspective of our body, mind spirit and soul, each modalities is integrated in energy medicine or mastery of awareness. Recorded in the 50s and recently published this odd little book is heavy on technical details. October 28th, 24pm saengerrunde hall, austin, texas map the anomaly archives is. Anomaly archives enews march 21st, 2019 the anomaly archives weekly email newsletter. Postage is 39kr postage with gls pakkeshop uden omdeling, condition.
Dino kraspedon my contact with flying saucers 1959 alan landsburg the outer space connection 1975 george leonard someone else is on the moon. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. Exopolitics hongkong kuhn, thomas s the structure of scientific revolutions source. As it is a relatively dense body, it will be attracted towards the centre of the solar system rather than repelled outwards. Dino kraspedon 1905 2004 was the pen name of brazilian oswaldo oliveira pedrosa.
Kraspedon, dino my contact with flying saucers 3 1460. My contact with flying saucers hardcover january 1, 1959 by dino kraspedon author, j b wood translator 4. An agenda that might seek to sell ufos to the american public as a technological threat which should be urgently studied and even harnessed if possible lest the chinese and the russians beat them to it. My contact with ufo s by dino kraspedon chapter one. My contact with flying saucers by dino kraspedon goodreads.
Apr 25, 2017 in my contact with flying saucers, the controversial brazilian contactee dino kraspedon aladino felix is told regarding space people from pluto that they are dangerous beings, and any instances of saucers doing harm to people on earth can be attributed to them. Aladino felix 19051985, better known by his pen name dino kraspedon, was a brazilian author, rightwing paramilitary leader, and selfproclaimed messiah of the jewish people, who claimed in a 1959 book to have been contacted by an extraterrestrial from jupiter. Aladino felix 19051985, better known by his pen name dino kraspedon, was a brazilian author, rightwing paramilitary leader, and selfproclaimed messiah. Dino and aliens sucks right in and does not let go until the final level is complete. My contact with ufos by kraspedon, dino and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Barbara marciniak earth pleiadian keys to the living library spanish 316. And since the entire process is an exiting one, filled with unexpected surprises and, oftentimes, challenges, you are guaranteed to have a few weeks of nonstop fun and amusement. Maney eduard meier howard menger richard miller helen and betty mitchell monsieur y buck nelson ernest l.
Contactees are persons who claim to have experienced contact with extraterrestrials. The great star will burn for seven days, and cloud will make two suns appear dino kraspedon one of the satellites of mars will be torn from its present orbit and thrown into space. By george adamski worldwide saucer move ment through the impassable to the impossible by arthur constance. Jan, 2018 is this rare 1931 ufo photo proof of alien contact. If you want books listed in understanding, then search places like or. The print version of ufos exopolitics and the new world. Dino kraspedon my contact with flying saucers pdf ebookrook dec 12th, 2016 101 never. What to do if youre the first human to ever make contact. A professor of roman law at the catholic university of santos said he had been in contact with the crew of a flying saucer, and his story is similar to ours, including details of the system of propulsion by the creation of a vacuum, which no one had mentioned before this book was. Nichols and peter moon ufo contact from planet itibira.
I am surprised that scientists of earth should continue to put their trust in their false science, in spite of all its errors they have so far been unable to rectify, and to deny the supreme science which is god they are like glowworms enamoured of their own light, crying out to other glow. Karla turner blue planet project, alien technical research, alien life forms my contact with flying saucers by dino kraspedon other site. Among the earliest was the classic 1956 study, when prophecy fails by leon festinger, henry riecken, and stanley schachter, which analyzed the phenomenon. I cannot stop wondering how he did it, the brazilian author, aladino felix, back in the fifties. Ufo contact from planet acart, from utopia to reality by. Janet and colin bord modern mysteries of the world 314. My contact with ufos, dino kraspedons experience with a man that lives on ganymede, a moon of jupiter. Ufo contact from planet acart, from utopia to reality book. In ufo contactee literature we find a few references to pluto. My routine is all over the place, and once i sit down to write, i have no idea what im doing and where im going, so its going to be a lot of work. He was born in pedra do bau and died in uberaba, minas gerais. In my contact with flying saucers, the controversial brazilian contactee dino kraspedon aladino felix is told regarding space people from pluto that they are dangerous beings, and any instances of saucers doing harm to people on earth can be attributed to them. Thus it is that the mass and the volume of jupiter are not exactly those given by you. If you wish to contact me you can do so via tom mickuss most excellent board paranet pi.
The drake equation speculates about the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. Krapf, phillip h the contact has begun the true story of a journalists encounter with alien beings 1458. My contact with ufos, dino kraspedon s experience with a man that lives on ganymede, a moon of jupiter. They included a playwright, a police officer, an employee in the american embassy in madrid, an engineer, an official of the telegraph office, a lawyer and two of spains bestknown ufologists, antonio ribera and rafael. Relaunch openhouse holiday party date to be announced soon.
In june of 1952 truman bethurum was enjoying life in a trailer park in santa barbara as an unemployed on strike operating engineer. Biblical secrets for galactic ascension in the 21st century 1998. See all 3 formats and editions hide other formats and editions. My contact with ufos by dino kraspedonentire story. My contact with flying saucers, by dino kraspedon why we are here. Ufology, revelations, advanced research, new age, spirituality. However, this book focuses not so much on ufos although, of course, they arc hardly incidental to our story. Dino kraspedon my contact with flying saucers pdf book description. Ufo religion inside flying saucer cults gregory reese.
This is why i told you beforehand what i based my calculations on, to avoid contradicting terrestrial mathematics. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Flying saucer from mars and my contact with flying saucers. Rather it examines the whole concept of alien contact. My contact with ufos by dino kraspedon chapter seven. Secret occult knowledge and flying saucers the bibliography.
Stranges dr frank ernest stranges, 19272008millennium seven. My contact with flying saucers hardcover january 1, 1960 by dino kraspedon author 4. In 1952 he published meu contato com os discos voadores my contact with flying saucers, a book that tells the story of his claimed contact with a flying saucer commander, who didnt give any. My contact with flying saucers first published in 1959 by neville spearman, london. Condon report study conducted by the university of colorado under contract 68 plates. For example, books by other early contactees, like orfeo angelucci, buck neslon, hal wilcox or dino kraspedon. Krapf, phillip h the challenge of contact a mainstream journalists report on interplanetary diplomacy 1457. Ufos generals, pilots and governmant officials go on record leslie kean.
The contactee movement has seen serious attention from academics and mainstream scholars. Is this rare 1931 ufo photo proof of alien contact. This web page shows detailed accounts of conversations that took place with sentient beings claiming to be from space and describes how ufo are powered. My wife came and told me that there was a sort of religious parson at the door who wanted to speak to me. This was created by me and attributions are all my videos. Saucer news clubwho collects reports of ufo sightings and contact claims as telephoned or written to him.
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